

单词 joke
释义 jokejokesjokedjokingjokejoke2 verb [transitive] to say things that are funny or that you do not really meanjoke aboutThe guys laughed and joked about it later.guylaughjokelate后来那几个家伙拿这事嘻嘻哈哈地开玩笑。joke withHe was relaxed, joking with the reporters.berelaxjokereporter他很放松﹐和记者们开着玩笑。joke thatHis students joked that he should go into politics.studentjokeshall他的学生开玩笑说他应该从政。Hey, calm down – I’m only joking!joke嘿﹐镇定点﹐我不过是在开玩笑!—jokinglyjokingly adverbPhrasesyou’re joking/you must be joking spoken used when you are surprised by what someone has said because it seems strange or silly: Buy a house, on my salary? You must be joking!joke靠我的工资买房子? 你一定是开玩笑吧!




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