

单词 just
释义 justjustjust1 /dʒəst; strong dʒʌst/ adverb1exactly: You look just like your dad.你看上去就像你爸爸。The temperature was just right.be温度正合适。The phone rang just as (=at the exact moment when) we were leaving.ringbeleave我们正要走的时候﹐电话响了。Just then (=at exactly that moment), Anne ran in from the garden.run就在那时﹐安妮从花园里跑了进来。2only: ‘Who was there?’ ‘Just me and Elaine.’be“有谁在?”“只有我和伊莱恩。”It’s not serious – just a small cut.不严重﹐一个小伤口而已。I just want to go to bed (=that is all I want to do).我只想上床睡觉去。just a minute/second (=used to ask someone to wait for a short time)3only a short time ago: She’s just got married.getmarry她刚结婚。I’ve just had a really good idea.have我刚刚想到一个很好的主意。THESAURUS recently4now or very soon: Hang on, I’m just coming.come等一下﹐我这就来。He’s just leaving.leave他就要走了。be just about to do something (=be going to do something very soon)I was just about to phone you.be我正要给你打电话。5just before/after/outside/over etc something a small amount of time, distance, etc: Lucy got home just after us.get露茜就在我们之后到家。They live just outside Paris.他们就住在巴黎市外。6(only) just used to show that something happens with difficulty or almost does not happen: They just managed to get to the station in time.manage他们刚好及时赶到火车站。It only just fits through the door.fit这仅仅可以通过这扇门。We had just enough (=enough but no more) money.have我们的钱刚够。7spoken used to emphasize something you are saying: I just couldn’t believe the news.我简直不能相信这个消息。That’s just wonderful!真是太好了!I didn’t realise just how rich they were.be我确实不知道他们原来那么有钱。8spoken used to politely ask or tell someone something: Could I just use your phone?can我可不可以用一下你的电话?Phrasesit’s just as well spoken used to say that it is lucky that something happened: It’s just as well you were there to help.be幸亏有你帮忙。just about almost: We’re just about finished.finish我们就快完成了。Just about everyone replied.reply 几乎每个人都作了回答。THESAURUS almostjust as good/important/much etc equally as good, important etc: The $250 TV is just as good as the $300 one.be这台 250 美元的电视机和 300 美元的那台一样好。just in case spoken in order to be prepared for something that might happen: I’ll take my umbrella, just in case.我要带上伞以防万一。just now spoken1a short time ago: He was here just now.be他刚才还在这儿。2at this moment: I’m busy just now. Can I call you back?我眼下正忙。 我给你回电话好吗?THESAURUS: justexactly used to emphasize that something is no more or no less than a particular number or amount, or is completely correct in every detail: She weighed exactly 50 kilos.weighkiloI’m going to tell you exactly what happened.gohappenprecisely exactly – used especially in more formal or technical contexts: The space rocket was launched at precisely 18:00 hours.belaunchhourThat is precisely my point.bejust used especially when saying that something is exactly right, the same, or the opposite: This is just the right colour for the room.beEverything was just the same as before.beright especially spoken exactly in a particular position: The hotel is right in the middle of the town.beI’m standing right behind you.standon the dot informal at exactly a particular time, and no earlier or later: He usually arrives home at 5.30 p.m. on the dot.arriverecently not long ago, especially a few days, weeks, or months ago: I went there recently to do some shopping.goshopA new species of plant was recently discovered in Brazil.bediscoverlately especially spoken during the last few weeks or months – often used in negative sentences and questions: Gerry hasn’t been feeling very well lately.befeelHave you seen her lately?seeThere hasn’t been much in the news lately.bejust a very short time ago, especially only a few minutes, hours, or days ago: It’s just started raining.startrainThey’ve just had a new baby.havea short/little while ago not long ago – often used when you are not sure exactly when: That hotel closed down a short while ago.closeApparently, they got married a little while ago.getmarrynewly created, built, married etc not long ago: a newly built stadiumbuildthe newly elected presidentelectfreshly made, done etc not long ago – used especially about food, drink, and flowers: freshly baked breadbakefreshly squeezed orange juicesqueezeThe flowers were freshly picked.flowerbepickThe wall had been freshly painted.havebepaintthe other day spoken used in conversation when telling someone about something that happened to you recently: I read an interesting article in the paper the other day.interest




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