

单词 key
释义 keykeyskeykey1 /kiː/ noun [countable]1for a lock something that you put into a lock in order to open a door, start a car etchouse/car keysI lost my car keys.losekey我把车钥匙弄丢了。A bunch of keys hung from his belt.keyhang他的腰带上挂着一串钥匙。2on a computer/piano one of the things you press to produce letters and numbers on a computer, or sounds on a piano3important part the key (to something) the part of a plan, action etc that will make it possible for it to succeedthe key (to something) toPreparation is the key to success.be准备是取得成功的关键。a discovery that may hold the key to our understanding of the universeunderstand可能成为我们了解宇宙的一个关键发现4musical notes a set of musical notes that is based on one particular note: the key of C majorC 大调5on a map/drawing a list of the signs, colours etc used on a map, technical drawing etc that explains what they mean6printed answers the printed answers to a test or set of questions in a book




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