

单词 knowledge
释义 knowledgeknowledgesknowledgeknowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ $ ˈnɑː-/ noun [uncountable]1the information, skills, and understanding that you have got through learning or experience: You don’t need to have any special knowledge to do this job. 做这工作不需要有专门知识。knowledge ofHis knowledge of American history is impressive.be他在美国历史方面的学问令人钦佩。knowledge aboutour knowledge about the functioning of the brainfunction我们对于大脑功能的认识2when you know about a particular situation or event, or the information you have about it: Evans denied all knowledge of the robbery.deny 埃文斯说他对这次抢劫一无所知。to (the best of) sb’s knowledge (=used to say that someone may not know all the facts)To the best of my knowledge, the new project will be starting in June.wellstart据我所知﹐新项目将于六月启动。without sb’s knowledgeThe contract had been signed without his knowledge.havebesign 这份合同是背着他签的。 ➔ common knowledge at common1GrammarKnowledge is uncountable and is not used in the plural. It is used with a singular verb. Do not say ‘His knowledges are impressive.’ Say His knowledge is impressive.be(他的知识让人惊叹。)You say knowledge of a subject. Do not say ‘Her knowledge in history is very good.’ Say Her knowledge of history is very good.be(她的历史知识非常丰富。)COLLOCATIONS: knowledgeverbsto have knowledge of somethingCandidates must have some knowledge of databases.candidatedatabaseto get knowledge (also to gain/acquire knowledge formal)There are some types of knowledge you can’t get from a book.betype ► Do not say ’learn knowledge’. Say get knowledge, gain knowledge, or acquire knowledge.to increase/improve your knowledgeI wanted to improve my knowledge of music.wantIn the past twenty years, we have greatly increased our knowledge of how the brain works.yearincreaseworkto broaden/expand your knowledge (=increase your knowledge)The course is designed to help students broaden their knowledge of modern American literature.bedesignstudentto show/demonstrate your knowledgeThis is a chance for you to demonstrate your knowledge of Spanish.beadjectivesgeneral knowledge (=knowledge about a lot of different subjects)Reading newspapers will improve your general knowledge.readnewspaperbasic knowledgeA basic knowledge of German would be helpful.willextensive/vast knowledge (=a lot of knowledge)I admire his extensive knowledge of antiques.antiquedetailed knowledgeYou need a lawyer with a detailed knowledge of tax legislation.detailspecialist/expert knowledgeYou don’t need any specialist knowledge to understand the book.specialfirst-hand/personal knowledge (=knowledge from experiencing something yourself)writers who had no first-hand knowledge of warwriterhaveTHESAURUS: knowledgeknowledge the information, skills, and understanding that you have got through learning or experience: Our knowledge of other cultures and societies has improved.culturesocietyhaveimproveexpertise special skills or knowledge that you learn by experience or training: The technical expertise was provided by a Japanese company.beprovideknow-how informal practical knowledge about how to do something: They have the financial know-how to be successful.wisdom good sense and judgment, based on knowledge and experience: I trust his wisdom and leadership.




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