

单词 late
释义 latelaterlatestlatelate /leɪt/ adjective, adverb1arriving, happening, or done after the time that was expected or arranged OPP early: Sorry I’m late!对不起我迟到了!ten minutes/two hours etc lateOur flight arrived two hours late.arrivehour我们的航班晚点两小时。late forAbi was late for school.be阿比上学迟到了。2near the end of a period of time OPP early: We should be there by late afternoon.shall我们傍晚前应该能赶到那儿。music that was popular in the late 1970sbe20 世纪 70 年代晚期流行的音乐St Mary’s Church was built in the late 18th century.bebuild圣玛利亚教堂建于 18 世纪末。He’s in his late forties.他快五十岁。3near the end of the day OPP early: It’s getting late. We’d better go home.getwell天晚了﹐我们该回家了。4[only before noun] formal dead: the late Sir William Russell已故的威廉∙罗素爵士Phrasestoo late after the time when something could have been done: It’s too late to change things now.thing现在要改变局面太晚了。THESAURUS: latelate arriving, happening, or done after the time that was expected or arranged: The bus was late, so I missed the start of the film.bemissoverdue not paid, returned, or happening by the expected time: My library books were all overdue.bookbebehind with/on something late in doing something that you have to do: She’s behind with her homework.We got behind on our rent (=we did not pay it on time).getrend




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