

单词 let
释义 letletslettingletlet /let/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle let, present participle letting)1to allow someone to do something: I’ll come if my dad lets me.let我爸爸允许的话我就来。let somebody do something‘Let him go,’ said Ralph.say“让他走。”拉尔夫说。let somebody in/through/out etcLet me through – I’m a doctor!让我过去—我是医生!let yourself do somethingShe was afraid to let herself believe it.be她不敢让自己去相信。GrammarDo not say ‘My father won’t let me to go dancing.’ Say My father won’t let me go dancing.windance(我爸爸不会让我去跳舞的。)2to not try to stop something from happeninglet something do somethingShe let the book fall down onto the floor.她任由书本掉落地上。3 (also let out) to allow someone to use a room or building in return for moneylet something (out) to somebodyThey let the flat to students.student他们把公寓租给了学生。Phraseslet alone used to say that one thing is not true or does not happen, so another thing cannot possibly be true or happen: The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk!这个宝宝连爬都不会﹐更谈不上走了!let go to stop holding someone or somethinglet of‘Let go of me!’ Ben shouted.shout“放开我!”本大声叫道。let something go1to not criticize or punish someone for something: I’ll let it go today, but don’t be late again.今天就算了﹐但你不要再迟到了。2to stop worrying about something: Let it go. It’s not worth worrying about.worry别管它了,这事不值得担心。let yourself go1to relax completely and enjoy yourself: We’d never seen the teachers let themselves go like this.seeteacher我们从没见过老师们这么放松过。2to allow yourself to become unhealthy or unattractive: He let himself go over the years.year这些年来他一直不修边幅。let yourself in for something to do something that will cause you trouble: Now what’s she let herself in for?呃﹐她惹来什么麻烦了?let somebody know to tell someone something: Let me know when you’re ready.你准备好就告诉我。If there are any problems, I’ll let you know.beproblem如果有什么问题,我会告诉你的。THESAURUS telllet me do something spoken used when you are offering to help someone: Let me carry that for you.让我来帮你拿吧。Phrasal verbslet somebody ↔ down phrasal verb to disappoint someone, especially by not doing what you promised: You won’t let me down, will you?win你不会让我失望的﹐是吗?THESAURUS disappointedlet somebody in on something phrasal verb to tell someone a secretlet somebody off phrasal verb to not punish someone or not make them do something: I’ll let you off this time, but don’t be late again.这次我就放过你﹐但不要再迟到了。let on phrasal verb to show that you know a secretlet on (that)I won’t let on I know anything.win我不会说我知道。 let out something phrasal verb let out a scream/cry etc to suddenly shout or make a noiselet up phrasal verb to become less extreme or severe: The rain never let up.雨一直没有小下来。THESAURUS: letallow to say that someone can do or have something: You’re not allowed to use your mobile phone in class.allowThey allowed him to stay in the country.allowlet to allow someone to do something. Let is much more common in spoken English than allow. It is not used in the passive: My Dad won’t let me go to the concert.winI’ll borrow Dave’s car, if he’ll let me.permit formal if something is permitted, it is allowed according to the rules – used especially on signs and in announcements: Ball games are not permitted outside this building.gamebepermitbuildgive sb permission used when someone in an important position allows someone to do something: He was given permission to take some time off work.begivegive your consent formal to say that you will allow someone to do something, when you have a legal right to say ‘no’: Her parents refused to give their consent to the marriage.parentrefuse




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