

单词 level
释义 levellevellerlevellestlevellevel2 adjective1flat, with no part higher than the rest: The floor was not completely level.be地面不完全平整。2at the same height or in the same position as something elselevel withHis face was level with hers.be他和她的脸在同一高度。3having the same number of points: They finished level.finish他们最后打成平手。Phrasesa level playing field a situation in which different people, companies etc can compete fairly because no one has special advantages: Small businesses want to compete on a level playing field with larger ones.businessplaylargeone小公司想和大公司公平竞争。THESAURUS: levelflat not sloping and with no raised parts, or with no hills or mountains: The house has a flat roof.haveThe land on the coast is mostly flat.belevel not sloping up or down, so that every part is at the same height: The shelf looks level to me.lookAfter four hours coming down the mountain, I was glad to be back on level ground.hourcomebegrindsmooth very flat and not rough, in a way that feels or looks good: Your skin feels really smooth.feelOur cat has lovely smooth fur.haveeven without any holes or raised areas that might cause a problem: Make sure the walls are even before you start painting them.wallbepaintBe careful – the path is not very even.behorizontal going straight across and not sloping: Draw a horizontal line.Your arms should be horizontal.armshall




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