

单词 licence
释义 licencelicenceslicencelicence British English, licenselicenseslicense American English /ˈlaɪsəns/ noun1[countable] an official document that gives you permission to do or own something: a pilot’s licence飞行员执照licence to do somethingHe has lost his licence to sell alcohol.havelose他的售酒许可证被吊销了。2[uncountable] formal freedom to do or say whatever you want ➔ off-licencePhrasesunder licence if a product is made or sold under licence, it is made or sold by a company that has an official agreement with the owner of the product that allows them to do this: The car is built under licence in the UK.bebuild这车特许在英国生产。COLLOCATIONS: licenceverbsto have a licence (also to hold a licence British English)They didn’t have a television licence.She became the youngest woman to hold a pilot’s licence.becomeyoungto get a licence (also to obtain a licence formal)He got his pilot’s licence last week.getThe organisers have obtained a licence for three more events.obtaineventto apply for a licenceCompanies will have to apply for a licence to import these chemicals.companychemicalto give/grant/issue a licenceHe was granted his flying instructor’s licence.begrantflyto renew a licence (=to get a new one when your old one ends)He forgot to renew his licence.forgetto lose your licence (=to have it taken away as a punishment)Drivers who drink risk losing their licences.driverloselicenceto take away sb’s licenceThe doctor had his license revoked after he was found to be on drugs.haverevokebefinddruga licence runs out (also a licence expires formal) (=it ends)Her driver’s license had expired.haveexpiretypes of licencea driving licence British English, a driver’s license American EnglishThe police officer asked to see my driver’s license.aska pilot’s licence (=a licence to fly a plane)You can get a pilot’s licence when you are 17.bea fishing/hunting licenceYou must have a fishing licence to fish here.fisha television licence British English (=one that allows you to use your television and pays for public television programmes)Buying a television means you will need a television licence.buymeana marriage licence (=which allows two people to marry each other)We went to get a marriage licence.goa provisional licence British English (=a temporary driving licence before you get your full licence)Learner drivers need to obtain a provisional licence.drivera full licence (=one that is not temporary and has no restrictions)You must have had a full licence for at least three years.havelittleyear




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