

单词 look
释义 looklookslooklook2 noun1see something [countable usually singular] when you look at somethinghave/take a look (at somebody/something)Let me have a look at that map again.让我再看一下那张地图。2search [singular] an attempt to find somethinglook forHe’s had a look for the file but he hasn’t found it.havefind他找过那份文件﹐但没找到。3expression [countable] a)an expression on someone’s face: He had a worried look on his face.haveworry他脸上有一种忧虑的神情。 b)when someone looks at you with a particular expression on their face: She gave me an angry look.give她愤怒地看了我一眼。4think about [singular] an act of examining something and thinking about itlook atThis month, take a long hard look at where your money is going.bego这个月﹐好好想一想你的钱怎么用。5appearance [countable usually singular] the appearance of someone or something: I don’t like the look of those rain clouds.cloud我不喜欢这乌云密布要下雨的样子。6fashion [countable] a particular fashion or style: the nautical look航海风格7attractiveness looks [plural] physical attractiveness: Stop worrying about your looks.worrylook别再为你的相貌而犯愁。




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