

单词 lousy
释义 lousylousierlousiestlousylousy /ˈlaʊzi/ adjective informal very bad: a lousy film一部烂片THESAURUS: lousybad not good or pleasant: a bad ideaThe film was really bad.benot very good not good – used as a more gentle way of saying that something was bad or disappointing: Jo’s exam results weren’t very good.resultawful/terrible very bad: Those colours look awful together.colourIt was a terrible mistake.behorrible very bad, especially in a way that shocks or upsets you: a horrible accidentWhat a horrible thing to say!disgusting smelling or tasting very bad: The soup tasted disgusting.tastedisgustHis breath smelled disgusting.smelldisgustpoor not as good as it could be or should be. Poor sounds rather formal: The animals were in very poor condition.animalbeHis performance at school has been poor.havebedisappointing not as good as you hoped or expected: The team has had a very disappointing season.havehavedisappointlousy informal very bad – used especially when you feel annoyed about something. Also used when saying that you feel unwell: I’ve had a really lousy day.haveHe got up the next morning feeling lousy.getfeel




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