

单词 luck
释义 lucklucksluckluck /lʌk/ noun [uncountable]1good things that happen by chance: Her success was due to a combination of hard work and good luck.be她成功是因为努力加上运气好。Have you had any luck finding a job?havefind你找工作顺利吗?with (any/a bit of) luckWith any luck, he won’t be home yet.win要是运气好的话﹐他可能还没有回家。2the way in which good or bad things happen to people by chance: It’s just a matter of luck – there’s nothing we can do.这完全是运气问题﹐我们无能为力。He had some bad luck and lost all his money.havelose他运气不好,输了所有的钱。THESAURUS unluckyPhrasesbad/hard/tough luck spoken used to express sympathy for someone when something bad has happened: Oh, bad luck – that shot nearly went straight in the hole.shootgo噢,倒霉——那一球差点就直接进洞了。good luck/best of luck spoken used to say that you hope someone is successfulluck withGood luck with the competition!祝比赛顺利!be in/out of luck to be lucky or unlucky: You’re in luck – there’s one ticket left.leave你很走运—还剩一张票。COLLOCATIONS: luckadjectivesgood/bad luckShe wished him good luck.wishIt was just bad luck that you didn’t see him.besheer/pure luck (=chance, not skill or effort)By sheer luck, I guessed right.guessbeginner’s luck (=good luck when you first try something)My first shot hit the target: beginner’s luck.shootverbsto have good/bad etc luckYou may have better luck than I did.welldoto have the (good/bad) luck to do somethingHe had the good luck to meet a man who could help him.havecanto have no luck (also to not have much/any luck)So far, I’ve had no luck finding a boyfriend.havefindto wish somebody luckWish me luck for the exam.to bring somebody luckShe believed the stone brought her luck.believebringsomebody can’t believe their luck When she agreed to marry him, he couldn’t believe his luck.agreesb’s luck runs out (=someone stops having good luck)Finally my luck ran out and they caught me.runcatchsb’s luck holds (=someone continues having good luck)Our luck held, and the weather remained fine.holdremainnoun + lucka bit/piece/stroke of luck (=something good that happens by chance)Then we had an extraordinary stroke of luck.havea run of good/bad luck (=a series of good or bad things)Despite his run of bad luck, he remains optimistic.remaina matter of luck (=something that depends on chance)Winning is a matter of luck.winbean element of luck (=an amount of luck that is involved in something)There is always an element of luck when hiring someone for a job.behireTHESAURUS: luckunlucky if someone is unlucky, they have bad luck. If something is unlucky, people think it makes you have bad luck: Matthews played well and was unlucky not to score.playbeSailors believed that it was unlucky to have a woman on the ship.sailorbelievebeunfortunate unlucky because something bad happens to you that you do not deserve. Unfortunate sounds more formal than unlucky: One unfortunate man lost all his money.losebe/bring bad luck if something is bad luck or brings bad luck, people think it makes you have bad luck: It’s supposed to be bad luck to walk under a ladder.supposeCrows were thought to bring bad luck.crowbethinkjinxed if something is jinxed, it seems to bring bad luck to everyone who is connected with it. If a person is jinxed, a lot of bad things happen to them and they seem very unlucky: This place is jinxed!bejinxI began to think I was jinxed.beginbejinx




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