

单词 luxury
释义 luxuryluxuriesluxuryluxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ noun (plural luxuries)1[uncountable] great comfort and pleasure, especially from beautiful or expensive things: They lived a life of luxury.live他们过着奢侈的生活。in luxuryThey now live in luxury in Switzerland.他们现在在瑞士过着奢侈的生活。We never had much money for luxury goods.havegood我们从来都买不起奢侈品。luxury car/home/hotel etc (=large and expensive)2[countable] something expensive that you want but do not need OPP necessity: luxuries like chocolate and perfumeluxury巧克力和香水之类的奢侈品A holiday is a luxury we can’t afford.be度假是奢侈的消费﹐非我们所能承担。3the luxury of something the ability to have or do something pleasant: They don’t have the luxury of choosing where to live.choose他们没有条件选择在哪里居住。




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