

单词 major
释义 majormajormajor1 AC /ˈmeɪdʒə $ -ər/ adjective1very large, serious, or important ➔ minor: Traffic is a major problem.be交通是个大问题。He played a major part in the negotiations.playnegotiation他在谈判中起了重要作用。2a major key is one of the two main sets of musical notes ➔ minor: a symphony in A majorA 大调交响乐THESAURUS: majorbig you use big when talking about the size of something. You also use it when talking about things that are very serious or important: a big countrya big mana big mistakea big decisionGetting a car has made a big difference to my life.gethavemakelarge you use large when talking about the size of something. You also use it when talking about numbers or amounts. Large sounds more formal than big and is the usual word to use in written English: a large paintingpaintThe museum attracts a large number of visitors.attractnumbvisitorLarge areas of the forest have been destroyed.areabedestroymajor big and important or serious, especially when compared to others of the same kind: Pollution is a major problem.bethe major political partiespartya major earthquakea major accidentsubstantial rather big. Substantial sounds more formal than big and is used especially when writing about amounts and numbers, increases and decreases: A new roof will cost a substantial amount of money.a substantial increase in the number of homeless peoplenumb




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