

单词 make
释义 makemakesmademakingmakemake1 /meɪk/ verb (past tense and past participle made /meɪd/)1produce/build [transitive] to produce or build something: She makes all her own clothes.makeclothe她的衣服都是自己做的。The furniture was made by a Swedish firm.bemake这家具是由一家瑞典公司制造的。make something from/out of somethingShe made the skirt out of some old fabric.make她用一些旧布料做了这条裙子。be made from/of/out of somethingPaper is made from wood.bemake纸是用木材做的。make somebody somethingHe made me a beautiful card.make他给我做了一张漂亮的贺卡。2do [transitive] used with some nouns to say that someone does something: You’ve made a mistake.make你犯了个错误。Could I make a suggestion?can我能提个建议吗?He made a speech.make他发表了演讲。The decision has already been made.havebemake已经作出了决定。THESAURUS do3cook [transitive] to cook something: I’ve made a cake.make我做了一个蛋糕。She made lunch for everyone.make她给每个人做了午饭。THESAURUS cook4cause something to happen [transitive] to cause something to happen, or cause someone to do somethingmake somebody/something do somethingSarah always makes me laugh.make莎拉总是逗我发笑。make somebody sad/happy/excited etcHe’s made me so happy.make他让我非常开心。make something difficult/easy/possible etcHeavy rain made driving very difficult.makedrive大雨使开车变得非常困难。THESAURUS cause5cause something to appear [transitive] to cause something to appear: Make a hole in the paper.在纸上挖一个洞。6force somebody to do something make somebody do something to force someone to do something: He made me stand against the wall.make他要我靠墙站着。THESAURUS force7give somebody a job make somebody something to give someone a particular job or title: They made her the manager.make他们任命她为经理。8earn money [transitive] to earn or get money: Irene makes about $60,000 a year.make艾琳一年赚 60,000 美元左右。THESAURUS earn9add up to something [linking verb] to be a particular number or amount when added together: 2 and 2 make 4.2 加 2 等于 4 。10result of a calculation [transitive] used to say what you have calculated a number to be: I make that 54.我算出来是 54。 11achieve something [transitive] to succeed in achieving something: He didn’t make the team (=he wasn’t good enough to be in the team).他没有入选球队。The story made the front page of the newspapers.makenewspaper这个新闻上了报纸的头版。12go to an event [transitive] informal to be able to go to something that has been arranged: I’m afraid I can’t make the meeting next week.meet恐怕我参加不了下周的会议。13be suitable [linking verb] to be suitable for a job or purpose, because you have the right qualities: John will make a good father.约翰将会成为一个好父亲。 ➔ be made for somebody/something at made2Phrasesmake do to use the things you have, although you really want other thingsmake withYou’ll have to make do with some toast.你只能吃点烤面包片将就一下了。make it1to succeed in arriving somewhere: We made it to the station just in time.make我们赶到车站正好来得及。2to achieve a high level of success, for example in your work: He really felt he’d made it.feelmake他真的觉得他已经成功了。THESAURUS succeed3to continue to live after being ill or after a difficult experience: They didn’t think he’d make it.他们认为他挺不过去了。4if you make it a particular time, your watch says that time: I make it ten past two.我的表是两点十分。make it Friday/ten o’clock etc spoken used to arrange a day or time to meet someone: Let’s make it Saturday morning.我们定在周六早上吧。make or break something to make someone or something be very successful, or make them fail completely: Critics can make or break a young performer.critic评论家可以成就也可以毁掉一个年轻的演员。that makes two of us spoken informal used to say that you feel the same as someone else: ‘I’m so tired!’ ‘Yeah, that makes two of us.’tiremake“我累坏了!”“是啊﹐我也一样。”Word Choice: make or cook?You make or cook a meal: Do you want to make breakfast?你愿意做早餐吗?I was cooking dinner when the phone rang.becookring我正在做晚饭,这时电话铃响了起来。You cook food using a pan or oven to heat it:Cook the potatoes in boiling water.potatoboil将马铃薯放入沸水中烧煮。You make a particular type of food using other foods: Shall I make a salad?我来做沙拉好吗?Do you know how to make an omelette?你知道怎么做煎蛋卷吗?She makes lovely cakes.makecake她做的蛋糕很美味。THESAURUS: makemake to make things yourself, or in a factory: He makes all his own furniture.makeThe company makes cars.makecarproduce to make something in large quantities to be sold, or to make something as the result of a natural process: Most of the goods we buy are produced in China.goodbeproduceThe body produces a substance called insulin.producecallmanufacture to make things in factories: The company manufactures aircraft parts.manufacturepartcreate to make something new and original: They created a new type of music.createHarry Potter was created by J.K. Rowling.becreatebuild to make a house, road, bridge, tunnel etc: They wanted to build a road through the village.wantform to make something as the result of a chemical reaction or natural process: Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.The research will help us understand how planets are formed.planetbeformgenerate to make electricity, power, or heat: Wind can be used to generate electricity.usePhrasal verbsmake for something phrasal verb1to go towards a place: He made for the door.make他朝门口走去。2to have a particular result or effect: It should make for an interesting day.shallinterest这应该会是有趣的一天。make something into something phrasal verb to change something into something else: We made his room into a study.make我们把他的房间改成了一间书房。make something of somebody/something phrasal verb1to have a particular opinion or understanding of someone or something: What do you make of this letter?你怎么理解这封信?I don’t know what to make of her.我不知道该怎么看待她。2make too much of something to treat something as if it is more important than it really is3make something of your life/of yourself to use the opportunities that you have to become successfulmake off with something phrasal verb informal to steal somethingmake out phrasal verb1make something ↔ out to be able to hear, see, or understand something: He could just make out a dark shape.can他只能看到一个黑影。make make out what/who etcI can’t make out what the sign says.say我看不出指示牌上写着什么。2make a cheque out (to somebody) to write a cheque so that money is paid to someone3make out something informal to say that something is true when it is notmake out make out (that)Brian was making out he’d won.bemakewin布莱恩说成是他赢了。4American English informal to kiss and touch in a sexual waymake up phrasal verb1make something ↔ up to invent a story or an excuse: Ron made up an excuse.make罗恩编了个借口。THESAURUS invent2make up something to combine together to form something: the rocks and minerals that make up the Earth’s outer layerrockmineral构成地球表层的岩石和矿物质3make it up to somebody to do something good for someone because you feel responsible for something bad that happened to them4to become friends with someone again, after an argument5make somebody up to put coloured substances on someone’s face, in order to improve or change their appearancemake up for something phrasal verb1to replace something that is lost or missing, or to make a bad situation seem better: He ate a big lunch, to make up for missing breakfast.eatmiss他午饭吃了很多﹐把没有吃的早餐补回来。2to have so much of one quality that it does not matter that you do not have others: Jay lacks experience, but he makes up for it with hard work.lackmake杰伊缺乏经验﹐但是他用勤奋来补足。3make up for lost time to do something quickly because you started late or worked too slowly




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