

单词 memory
释义 memorymemoriesmemorymemory /ˈmeməri/ noun (plural memories)1[uncountable and countable] the ability to remember things: She has a very good memory.have她的记忆力很好。memory forMy memory for names is terrible.namebe我很不善于记名字。from memory (=using your memory and not notes)He recited the list from memory.recite他凭记忆背出了名单。I’m afraid I forgot – I have a memory like a sieve (=I forget things very easily)!forget恐怕我忘记了——我记性很差。2[countable usually plural] something that you remember from the pastmemory ofI have happy memories of that summer.memory我对那个夏天有愉快的回忆。My most vivid memory is the silence after the accident.be我最清晰的记忆是事故发生后的寂静。The smell brought back memories of childhood.bringmemory那气味唤起了童年的记忆。3[uncountable and countable] the part of a computer where information is stored: 128 megabytes of memorymegabyte128 兆字节的存储量Phrasesin memory of somebody in order to remind people of someone who has died: a garden created in memory of the princesscreate为纪念这位公主而建造的一个花园in/within memory during the time that people can remember: the worst floods in living memory (=that anyone can remember)illfloodlive在世的人们记忆中最严重的一次水灾COLLOCATIONS: memoryadjectivesa good/excellent memoryAt 90, her memory is still very good.bea bad/poor/terrible memoryI’ve got a terrible memory, so I write everything down.geta short memory (=so that you soon forget things)Some people have short memories for promises they’ve made.memorypromisemakea long memory (=so that you remember things for a long time)Those of you with long memories will remember his first film.memorya photographic memory (=a memory that helps you remember every detail of things you have seen)He never forgets a face – he has a photographic memory.forgethaveverbsto lose your memory (=to become unable to remember what happened in the past)The blow to his head caused him to lose his memory.causeto remain/stay/stick in sb’s memory (=to be remembered for a long time)His reply stuck in my memory.stickto be etched in sb’s memory literary (=to be impossible to forget)The date was etched in my memory.beetchto refresh/jog sb’s memory (=to help someone to remember)I looked at my notes to refresh my memory.looknotenounsloss of memory/memory lossThe condition can cause dizziness and memory loss.a lapse of memory/memory lapse (=when you cannot remember something for a short time)I was surprised at his lapse of memory.besurprise




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