

单词 miss
释义 missmissesmissedmissingmissmiss1 /mɪs/ verb1 [transitive] to feel sad because you cannot be with someone that you like, or cannot do something that you enjoy: I really missed Paula after she’d left.missleave葆拉离开后我真的很想念她。What do you miss most about life in Canada?你最怀念加拿大生活的哪方面?miss doing somethingI really miss talking to him on the phone.talk我真的怀念和他在电话上聊天。2[transitive] to not go somewhere or do something, especially when you want to but cannot: Vialli will miss tonight’s game because of a knee injury.维亚利因为膝盖受伤将不能参加今晚的比赛。She was upset at missing all the excitement.bemiss错过了那么多的精彩刺激﹐她很失望。miss a chance/opportunityI’d hate to miss the chance of meeting him.meet我可不愿错过与他见面的机会。3[transitive] to be too late for something: By the time we got there, we’d missed the beginning of the movie.getmissbegin我们到那里时﹐已经错过了电影的开头部分。miss a bus/train/plane etcHurry up or we’ll miss the train!快点﹐否则我们会赶不上火车的!4[intransitive and transitive] to not succeed in hitting or catching something: She fired at the target but missed.firemiss她朝目标射击﹐但是没有击中。Jackson missed an easy catch.miss杰克逊没有接住一个很容易接的球。5[transitive] to not see, hear, or notice something: Jody found an error that everyone else had missed.findhavemiss乔蒂发现了一个其他人都没注意到的错误。Maeve’s sharp eyes missed nothing.eyemiss梅芙锐利的眼睛不会错过任何东西。It’s a huge hotel on the corner. You can’t miss it.这是一间很大的酒店﹐就在拐角处﹐你不会找不到的。Phrasesmiss the boat/bus informal to not use an opportunity to do something: You’ll miss the boat if you don’t buy shares now.share要是你现在不买进股票,就会坐失良机。miss the point to not understand the most important fact about something: I’m sorry, I think you’re missing the point completely.miss对不起﹐我认为你根本没有领会意思。Phrasal verbsmiss out phrasal verb1to not have the chance to do something that you would enjoy: Some children miss out because their parents can’t afford to pay for school trips.childparenttrip一些孩子失去了机会﹐因他们的父母没有钱给他们参加学校组织的旅行。2miss somebody/something ↔ out British English to not include someone or something: I hope we haven’t missed any names out from the list.missname我希望我们没有漏掉名单上的任何一个名字。




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