

单词 morning
释义 morningmorningsmorningmorning /ˈmɔːnɪŋ $ ˈmɔːr-/ noun [uncountable and countable]1the early part of the day, from when the sun rises until the middle of the day: I got a letter from Jack this morning.get今天早上我收到一封杰克的来信。in the morningI’ll deal with it in the morning (=tomorrow morning).我明天早上处理这件事。Classes start at nine in the morning (=every morning).class每天上午九点开始上课。on Monday/Friday etc morningsHe sleeps late on Sunday mornings.sleepmorning星期天早上他都睡到很晚。2the part of the night that is after midnight: The phone rang at three o’clock in the morning.ring凌晨三点钟电话铃响了。3(good) morning spoken used when you meet someone in the morningCOLLOCATIONS: morningadjectivesthis morningI’ve got a lot of things to do this morning.getthingyesterday/tomorrow morningI’ll see you tomorrow morning.I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning.seethe next/following morningSarah was up at seven the next morning.beearly/late morningWe didn’t set off until late morning.a beautiful/fine/sunny etc morningWake up – it’s a beautiful morning.a cold/frosty morningI hate waiting for the bus on cold mornings.waitmorningnoun + morningFriday/Monday/Saturday etc morningWe’ll discuss it on Monday morning.a spring/summer/autumn/winter morningIt was a bright spring morning.bemorning + nounthe morning sun/light/mistHe strolled along, enjoying the morning sun.strollenjoysb’s morning run/swim/coffee (=that someone has in the morning)She had already been for her morning run.havebethe morning train/flight (=that leaves in the morning)She took the morning flight back to London.take




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