

单词 mountain
释义 mountainmountainsmountainmountain /ˈmaʊntɪn $ ˈmaʊntən/ noun [countable]1 a very high hill: She is the first woman to climb this mountain.be 她是登上这座山的第一位女性。a mountain range (=line of mountains)一条山脉in the mountainsWe went hiking up in the mountains.gohikemountain我们在山里徒步。2informal a large amount of somethingmountain ofI’ve got a mountain of ironing to do.getiron我有一大堆衣服要熨。Phrasesmake a mountain out of a molehill to treat a small problem as if it were very serious: She was only five minutes late! You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.beminutemake她才迟到五分钟!你真是小题大作。THESAURUS: mountainmountain a very high hill: Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.behighhill an area of land that is higher than the land around it, and often has a rounded top: The house has wonderful views of the surrounding hills.haveviewsurroundhillvolcano a mountain that has a hole at the top, through which smoke and hot liquid rock come out: The volcano erupted, destroying the city below.eruptdestroyfoothills a group of smaller hills below some high mountains: the foothills of the Pyreneesfoothillcliff the steep side of an area of land, often next to the sea: There are white cliffs all along the coast.becliffpeak the pointed top of a mountain: the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayascoverpeaksummit the very highest point of a mountain: the summit of Mount Everest




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