

单词 move
释义 movemovesmovedmovingmovemove1 /muːv/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to change from one place or position to another, or to make something do thismove (something) away/back/forward etcMove away from the door!走开﹐别挡着门!He moved the chair into the corner of the room.move他把椅子搬到房间的角落里。move about/aroundShe could hear someone moving around downstairs.canmove她听到楼下有人在走动。The traffic was still moving slowly.bemove路上的车辆依然在慢慢地移动。2[transitive] to go to a new place to live or workmove to/into/fromThey moved to Birmingham in May.move他们五月份就搬到伯明翰去了。move house British English (=go to live in a different house)We’re moving house next week.move我们下个星期搬家。3[transitive] used when saying how quickly something is progressing or changing: Things seem to be moving very slowly.thingmove事情好像进行得非常缓慢。You need to move quickly to take advantage of this opportunity.你需要赶快行动﹐抓住这个机会。4[transitive] to make someone feel a strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy ➔ moving: The story moved us to tears (=made us cry).movetear这个故事让我们感动得落泪。Harry was genuinely moved by what he saw.bemovesee哈里被自己的所见深深感动。5[transitive] to change the time or order of somethingmove something from/to somethingThe meeting’s been moved from Wednesday to Thursday.meetbemove会议时间从周三改到周四了。Phrasesget moving spoken to start doing something or going somewhere quickly: If you don’t get moving, you’ll miss the bus.move你要是不快点会赶不上公共汽车的。Phrasal verbsmove away to go to live in a different area: My best friend moved away when I was ten.wellmovebe我十岁时,最要好的朋友搬走了。move in phrasal verb1to start living in a new house: When are you moving in?bemove你什么时候搬进新居?2to start living with someone in the same housemove in withSteve’s moving in with his girlfriend.move史蒂夫要搬去和他的女友同住。move in togetherWe’re thinking about moving in together.thinkmove我们在考虑搬到一起住。move off phrasal verb if a car, train etc moves off, it moves forward to start its journeymove on phrasal verb1to stop doing or dealing with one thing, and start doing or dealing with something else: I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move on.enjoybe我是喜欢我的工作﹐但也应该换一换了。move on toI’d like to move on now to the subject of education.接着我想谈谈教育问题。2to leave a place where you have been staying and continue on your journey: After three days we decided it was time to move on.daydecidebe三天后我们决定该继续赶路了。3to develop, improve, or become more modern: Her ideas have hardly moved on since the thirties.ideamove她的想法从三十年代到现在几乎没有变过。move out phrasal verb to permanently leave the house where you are living: We have to move out by next Friday.我们必须在下周五之前搬走。move over phrasal verb to change position so that there is more space for other people or things: Move over so Jim can sit down.挪动一下﹐好让吉姆坐下。 move up phrasal verb1to change to a higher job, group, level etcmove up toHe’s moved up to tenth in the world rankings.moveranking他的世界排名升到了第十位。2British English to change position so that there is more space for other people or things: If everyone moves up a bit, you can sit here.movebite如果大家都挪一挪﹐你可以坐在这里。THESAURUS: movemove to change from one place or position to another: I wish that car would move out of the way.willEvery time I move, my arm hurts.hurtsway to move slowly from one side to the other: The palm trees swayed slightly.treeswayrock to move repeatedly from one side to another, with small gentle movements: I could see her rocking gently in her chair.canrockwobble to move unsteadily from side to side: The ladder began to wobble.beginfidget to keep moving or playing with your fingers, hands, feet etc, because you are bored or nervous: The children were fidgeting in their seats all the way through the film.childbefidgetseattwitch to make small movements with your face, eye, hand etc that you cannot control: His face kept twitching.keeptwitchbudge to move – used when you are trying hard to make something move, often without success: I can’t get the table to budge.




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