

单词 balance
释义 balancebalancesbalancebalance1 /ˈbæləns/ noun1[uncountable] when you are able to stand and walk steadily, without falling: I put my arms out to help me keep my balance.arm我伸开双臂让自己保持平衡。Jim lost his balance on the ice.lose吉姆在冰上失去了平衡。The blow knocked his opponent off balance.knock那一拳打得他的对手失去了平衡。2[singular, uncountable] when you give the right amount of importance to different things in a sensible way: Try to keep a balance between work and play.工作和娱乐要尽量保持均衡。It’s not always easy to strike the right balance.要想两全其美并不总是很容易。3[singular, uncountable] when the correct relationship exists between different things OPP imbalancebalance betweenthe need to maintain the balance between cost and profit 在成本和利润之间保持平衡的需要balance ofpesticides that upset the balance of naturepesticide 破坏自然界平衡的杀虫剂4[countable] a)the amount of money that you have left to use: Can I check my bank balance please?我可以查一下我的账户余额吗? b)the amount of money that you owe for something: You can pay a deposit now and the balance later.late你可以现在付订金﹐稍后再付余款。Phrasesbe/hang in the balance if something hangs in the balance, you do not know yet whether the result will be bad or good: The president’s future hung in the balance.hang总统前途未卜。on balance used to tell someone your opinion after considering all the facts: On balance, I prefer the new system.总的来说﹐我更喜欢这个新的系统。THESAURUS: balancefall (also fall over/down) to suddenly go down onto the ground when you are standing, walking etc: She fell and cut her knee.fallIt’s very slippery here. Careful you don’t fall over!collapse to suddenly fall down because you are very tired, weak, or ill: One of the runners collapsed during the race.runnercollapsetrip on/over sth to hit your foot against something, so that you fall or almost fall: He tripped over a rock and fell flat on his face.tripfallI tripped on a branch.tripslip to slide on a smooth or slippery surface, so that you fall or almost fall: Annie slipped on the ice and hurt her ankle.slipstumble to almost fall because you put your foot down in an awkward way: The ground was rough and I kept stumbling.grindbekeepstumblelose your balance to become unsteady and start to fall over: He lost his balance when he was on top of the ladder.losebe




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