

单词 naked
释义 nakednakedernakedestnakednaked /ˈneɪkɪd/ adjective1not wearing any clothes SYN nude ➔ bare: a naked man裸体男子stark naked (=completely naked)2[only before noun] naked emotions are not hidden and are shocking: naked aggression 赤裸裸的侵略3naked flame/light a flame or light that is not covered: Never have a naked flame near gasoline.切勿让明火靠近汽油。—nakednessnakednessesnakedness noun [uncountable]Phraseswith/to the naked eye if you can see something with the naked eye, you can see it without the help of an instrument such as a microscope: These tiny creatures are barely visible to the naked eye.creaturebe这些微小的生物用肉眼几乎看不见。THESAURUS: nakednaked not wearing any clothes – often used when this seems rather shocking: He was lying on the bed completely naked.beliehave nothing on especially spoken to not be wearing any clothes: Don’t come in yet. I’ve got nothing on!getbare not covered by clothes – used about parts of the body: Her shoulders were bare.shoulderbebare feetfootbare legslegnude naked – used especially when talking about naked people in paintings, films etc: a painting of a nude womanpaint




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