

单词 nasty
释义 nastynastiernastiestnastynasty /ˈnɑːsti $ ˈnæsti/ adjective unpleasant or unkind: a nasty accident 严重的事故a nasty shock沉重的打击Drivers have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists.driverdrivecyclist驾驶员有个不好的习惯﹐就是把车开得离骑自行车的人太近。What a nasty thing to say!这话说得多难听!nasty toDon’t be so nasty to your sister (=treat her unkindly). 别对你姐姐这么凶。get/turn nasty especially British English (=suddenly start behaving in a threatening way)When Tim refused, Dan turned nasty.refuseturn蒂姆拒绝后﹐丹顿时翻了脸。—nastinessnastinessesnastiness noun [uncountable]—nastilynastily adverbTHESAURUS: nastyunkind treating people in an unpleasant and slightly cruel way: Children can be very unkind to each other.childmean especially spoken unkind: Don’t be mean to your sister!nasty deliberately unkind, and seeming to enjoy making people unhappy: He’s a nasty little man!a nasty letter from the bankhurtful unkind – used about remarks and actions: Joe couldn’t forget the hurtful things she had said.thinghavesayspiteful deliberately unkind to someone, especially because you are jealous of them or angry with them: He made some spiteful comments about her work.makecommenthard-hearted not caring about other people’s feelings: She was a cold hard-hearted woman who was interested in only one thing – money.bebeinterestthoughtless/inconsiderate not thinking about how your actions or words will affect other people: It was thoughtless of him to call so late at night.beAn inconsiderate driver had parked too close to his car.haveparktactless carelessly saying or doing things that are likely to upset someone: He can be rather tactless sometimes.a tactless remark




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