

单词 account
释义 accountaccountsaccountaccount1 /əˈkaʊnt/ noun [countable]1report a written or spoken description of something that has happenedaccount ofShe was able to give an account of the accident.be她叙述了事故的发生经过。Holroyd has written a detailed account of the war.havewritedetail霍尔罗伊德详细地报道了这次战争。eye-witness/first-hand account (=description of events by someone who saw them)his eye-witness account of the shootingsshooting他根据亲眼所见对枪击事件的描述2at a bank (also bank account) an arrangement with a bank that allows you to keep your money there and take money out when you need it: Would you like to open an account (=make this arrangement)?will你想开个账户吗?Your salary will be paid into your bank account.pay你的薪水会存入你的银行账户。I’ve withdrawn £250 from my account.withdraw我从我的银行账户里提取了 250 英镑。What’s your account number?numb你的银行账号是多少?3financial records accounts [plural] a record of the money that a business has received and spent: Their annual accounts showed a loss of £4 million.accountshow 他们的年度账目显示亏损四百万英镑。4way of paying an arrangement with a shop or company that allows you to buy things or use a service now and pay lateron accountCan I buy this on account?我可以赊账购买这个东西吗?I’d like to charge this to my account (=pay using this arrangement). 我想把这个记在我的账上。an Internet account因特网账户pay/settle your account (=pay what you owe)You must settle your account within thirty days.day你必须在 30 天内把账结清。Phrasesby/from all accounts according to what people say: He was, by all accounts, a shy man.beaccount谁都说他是个害羞的人。not on my account spoken not for me or because of me: Don’t stay up late on my account.不要为了我而熬夜。on account of something because of something: Some trains were cancelled on account of the storm.trainbecancel部分火车班次因为暴风雨取消了。on no account/not on any account formal used to emphasize that someone must not do something: On no account open the door to a stranger.strange切莫给陌生人开门。take account of something/take something into account to consider particular facts when judging or deciding something: These statistics do not take account of age.statistic这些统计数据没有把年龄考虑进去。




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