

单词 necessary
释义 necessarynecessarynecessary /ˈnesəsəri $ -seri/ adjective if something is necessary, you need to have it or do it: ‘Do I need to bring any money with me?’ ‘No, that won’t be necessary.’win“我要不要带点钱?”“不﹐没有必要。”The booklet provides all the necessary information.provide这本小册子提供了所有必要的信息。The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary.beadvisemotoristbe 警方建议汽车驾驶员只在不得已的情况下才驾车出行。it is necessary (for somebody) to do somethingIt may be necessary for me to have an operation. 也许我有必要做手术。make it necessary (for somebody) to do somethingThe rise in costs made it necessary to increase prices.costmakeprice成本上涨使价格有必要提高。necessary for (doing) somethingA good diet is necessary for maintaining a healthy body.bemaintain要保持健康﹐合理的饮食必不可少。if/when/where necessaryYou can take the test again if necessary. 必要的话﹐你可以再考一次。Phrasesnecessary evil something unpleasant that you have to accept in order to achieve what you want: He regarded work as a necessary evil.regard 他把工作看成是一件不得已的事。THESAURUS: necessarynecessary if something is necessary, you need to have it or do it: Reservations aren’t always necessary.reservationI have all the necessary documents.documentessential very important and necessary, especially in order to be healthy, successful etc: Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet.vegetablebeGood timing is essential.timebevital extremely important and necessary, because there will be serious problems without it: Tourism is vital to the local economy.bea vital piece of evidencevital equipmentcompulsory if something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law: a compulsory training coursetrainobligatory formal if something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or law. Obligatory sounds stronger and more formal than compulsory: The use of seatbelts is obligatory.bean obligatory section of the test




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