

单词 now
释义 nownownow1 /naʊ/ adverb1at the present time: Jean and her husband are now living in Canada.belive珍和丈夫现住在加拿大。right now/just now (=at the time of speaking)Right now, we’re not really ready to decide.目前﹐我们还没有准备好作决定。by/before now (=before the present time)Steve should be home by now.shall史蒂夫现在应该到家了。from now on (=starting now)Meetings will be held on Friday from now on.meetinghold从现在起会议将于周五举行。for now (=for a short time)You can leave your bags in the hall for now.bag 你可以把行李暂时放在大堂里。2immediately: The bell has rung – stop writing now.haveringwrite 铃声响了—立即停笔。If we leave now, we’ll be there before dark. 如果我们现在走﹐天黑之前就能赶到。3spoken used to get someone’s attention, when you are going to ask for information, or when you pause: Now, let’s discuss payment. 好了﹐我们来谈谈付款。Now, what did you say your name was?dobe嗯﹐你刚才说你叫什么名字?Phrases(every) now and then/now and again sometimes: He sees her every now and then at the college.see他有时会在大学里见到她。THESAURUS sometimesthree weeks/two years etc now used when saying how long ago something started: It’s been over a year now since I started working here.bestartwork 我在这里工作至今已经一年多了。THESAURUS: nownow at this time: Can I come in now?It’s now 10 am.becurrently formal now – used when describing what a situation is like: There are currently no problems on the subway system.beproblemat the moment (also at present formal) now – used especially to say that something is happening now, but you do not expect it to continue for a long time: At the moment, I’m reading a book by Martin Amis.readAt present, he’s in the US.for now (also for the time being) for a short time from now, but not permanently – used when you think the situation may change, or you may decide to change what you are doing later: Let’s leave our plans as they are for the time being.planbebe




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