

单词 nowhere
释义 nowherenowherenowhere /ˈnəʊweə $ ˈnoʊwer/ adverb not in or to any placenowhere to go/live/sit etcHe’s got nowhere to sleep tonight.get他今晚没地方睡觉。There’s nowhere to put anything in our new apartment.我们的新公寓里再没有地方放东西了。Phrasesfrom nowhere happening or appearing suddenly and without warning: The policeman appeared as if from nowhere.appear警察不知从哪儿冒了出来。get nowhere to have no success, or to make no progressnowhere withHe was getting nowhere with his new play.beget 他的新剧本毫无进展。A negative attitude will get you nowhere. 消极的态度会让你一无所获。nowhere near1far from a particular place: Buffalo is nowhere near New York City.be布法罗离纽约市很远。2not at all: The building’s nowhere near finished.buildfinish 这大楼离建好还远着呢。nowhere to be seen/found (also nowhere in sight) not in a particular place: Her husband was nowhere to be seen.besee 她丈夫不见了。




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