

单词 obey
释义 obeyobeysobeyedobeyingobeyobey /əʊˈbeɪ, ə- $ oʊ-, ə-/ verb [intransitive and transitive] to do what a person, law, or rule tells you to do OPP disobey: Most dogs will obey simple commands.dogcommand大多数狗都会服从简单的命令。He refused to obey his father.refuse 他拒绝服从他的父亲。THESAURUS: obeyobey to do what a person in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says: I obeyed his orders.obeyorderThe law must be obeyed.obeydo what somebody says to do what someone has suggested or advised you to do: You should do what the doctor said and stay in bed.shallsayI wish I’d just done what you said!dosaydo as you are told (also do what you are told) to do what your parent or teacher says you must do – used about children: He’s a bad boy – he never does what he’s told.dotellAt school, pupils must do what they are told.pupilbetellfollow sb’s instructions/orders/advice to do what someone tells you to do, or advises you to do: She followed the instructions on the packet.followinstructionI followed your advice and went by train.followgoIn the army, you soon get used to following orders.usefolloworder




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