

单词 obvious
释义 obviousobviousobvious AC /ˈɒbviəs $ ˈɑːb-/ adjective easy to notice or understand: an obvious mistake明显的错误It was obvious that Gina was lying.bebelie吉娜显然是在撒谎。obvious toIt might be obvious to you but it isn’t to me. 这对你来说也许很容易理解﹐对我却不是。Thornton seemed the obvious choice for the job.seem 桑顿看来是这个职位的当然人选。The obvious thing to do (=clearly the best thing to do) was to ring the school.be最好的办法显然是给学校打电话。The mistake was glaringly obvious (=extremely obvious).be那个错误显而易见。—obviouslyobviously adverb: She obviously didn’t want to go. 她显然是不想去。




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