

单词 odd
释义 oddodderoddestoddodd AC /ɒd $ ɑːd/ adjective1strange strange or different from what you expect: Jake’s an odd guy.杰克是个古怪的人。The odd thing was that he didn’t seem to mind.be怪就怪在他好像并不在意。It’s odd that she hasn’t phoned.phone很奇怪﹐她一直没打电话来。2number odd numbers cannot be divided exactly by two OPP even3a few the odd drink/game/occasion etc spoken a few drinks, games etc, but not happening regularly: I still enjoy the odd game of tennis.我仍然喜欢偶尔打打网球。4approximately 20-odd/30-odd etc spoken approximately or a little more than 20, 30 etc: He must have worked here twenty-odd years.workyear他在这里肯定工作了二十多年了。5not in a pair [only before noun] separated from its pair or set: an odd sock单只的袜子Phrasesodd jobs small practical jobs of different kinds: He’s been doing various odd jobs around the house.bedojob他一直在家里干杂七杂八的零活。the odd man/one out someone or something that is different from the other people or things in a group: See if you can spot the odd one out in the list.看看你能否找出列表中不同于其他的一个。THESAURUS: oddstrange unusual or surprising, in a way that is difficult to understand or explain: People do strange things when they’re in love.thinga strange womanfunny especially spoken especially British English a little strange: What’s that funny smell?It seems a funny place for a holiday.seemcurious strange, especially in an interesting way that makes you want to find out more: The curious thing was that everyone believed him.bebelievemysterious used about something that people know little about: the mysterious disappearance of a young girleccentric strange in a way that seems slightly crazy and amusing – used about people and their behaviour: an eccentric old manpeculiar/odd slightly strange and different from what is normal: Did you notice anything peculiar about him?doweird/bizarre very strange: She has some weird ideas.haveideaThe whole situation seems very bizarre.seem




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