

单词 one
释义 oneoneone2 pronoun (plural ones)1used when you are talking about someone or something of the kind that has already been mentioned: ‘Do you have a DVD player?’ ‘No, but I’m getting one.’get“你有 DVD 播放机吗?”“没有﹐不过我要买一个了。”He ate his sandwich and took another one.eattake 他把三明治吃了﹐又拿了一个。That winter was a cold one.be 那年冬天很寒冷。2used to talk about a particular person or thing from a group: He has two sisters. One is a doctor.havesisterbe 他有两个姐妹﹐一个是医生。I’m the one on the left of the picture.leave 我是照片上左边的那个。one ofOne of my CDs is missing.bemiss我有一张激光唱片不见了。this/that oneI like that one best.well 我最喜欢那一个。3formal used to mean people in general, including yourself: One never knows what may happen.know谁也不知道会发生什么事。 ➔ no onePhrases(all) in one if something is several different things all in one, it is all of those things: a garage and workshop in one车库兼修理车间one after the other (also one after another) happening without much time in between: He scored three goals, one after another.scoregoal他接连三次射门得分。one by one if people do something one by one, first one person does it, then the next etc: One by one, people sat down.sit人们一个个坐下。




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