

单词 one
释义 oneoneone3 determiner, adjective1used to emphasize a particular person or thing: One person she really likes is Kim.likebe她真正喜欢的一个人是金姆。I know one thing for sure – he’s lying.lie 有一点我很肯定 — 他在撒谎。2one day/morning etc a)on a particular day etc in the past: I saw him one day in town.see有一天我在城里看到他。 b)at some time in the future: Let’s go out one evening.even 我们哪天晚上出去玩玩吧。3only: Our one worry is it’s very expensive.be我们唯一担心的是﹐那太贵了。Phrasesfor one thing spoken used when giving a reason: You can’t go. You’re not old enough, for one thing. 你不能去。一个原因是你年纪太小。




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