

单词 open
释义 openopensopenedopeningopenopen2 verb1door/window/eyes etc [intransitive and transitive] to become open, or to make something open OPP shut: The doors open automatically.door这些门会自动开启。Can you open the window?你能把窗打开吗?She opened her eyes.openeye她睁开眼睛。Louise opened a bottle of wine.open 路易斯打开一瓶葡萄酒。2shop/bank etc [transitive] if a shop, bank etc opens at a particular time, people can use it after that time: What time does the bookstore open on Sundays?do星期天书店什么时候开始营业?3film/play/public building etc [intransitive and transitive] if a film, play, public building etc opens, or if it is opened, people can start to see it or use it: A new play opens next week on Broadway.open下周有一出新的戏剧在百老汇开演。The restaurant first opened in 1986.open这家餐馆是在 1986 年开业的。Parts of the White House will be opened to the public.partopen 白宫的部分区域将向公众开放。THESAURUS start4spread out [intransitive and transitive] to spread something out, or to become spread out: I can’t open my umbrella.我打不开伞。The flowers are starting to open.flowerbestart花儿开始绽放。5computer program [transitive] to make a computer program ready to use: I can’t open the file.我打不开这个文件。6bank account [transitive] if you open a bank account, you arrange for it to start: Why don’t you open a new account?你怎么不新开一个银行账户呢?Phrasesopen fire (on somebody/something) to start shooting at someone or something: Troops opened fire on the protesters.troopopenprotester军队向抗议者开火。THESAURUS shootPhrasal verbsopen into/onto something phrasal verb to lead directly into a place: The kitchen opens onto the back yard.open厨房有门通向后院。open up phrasal verb1to become available or possible, or to make something available or possible: New business opportunities are opening up all the time.opportunitybeopen随时都有新的商机出现。open something ↔ upThey decided to open up their home to young people.decide他们决定打开家门欢迎年轻人到来。2to stop being shy and say what you really think: It takes a long time for him to open up.take他要很长时间才能畅谈起来。THESAURUS: openopen to make something open – used about a door, window, container etc, or about your eyes or mouth: I opened the door slowly.openOpen your eyes!eyeShe was nervous about opening the letter.beopenunlock to open a door, drawer etc with a key: She unlocked the car door and got in.unlockgetunscrew to open a lid on a bottle, container etc by turning it: Can you unscrew this lid for me?unwrap to open a package by removing the paper that covers it: The children began unwrapping their Christmas presents.childbeginunwrappresentunfasten/undo to make a belt, button, piece of clothing etc open instead of fastened or tied: He unfastened his jacket.unfastenDon’t undo your seat belt till the plane stops.stop




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