

单词 otherwise
释义 otherwiseotherwiseotherwise /ˈʌðəwaɪz $ ˈʌðər-/ adverb1a)used to say what will happen if something else does not happen first, usually when it is bad: You’d better go now, otherwise you’ll be late.well你最好现在就走﹐要不然会迟到的。 b)used to say what would or might have happened if the situation had been different: We had no phone then, otherwise we would have rung the police.havewillring 我们当时没有电话﹐否则就打电话报警了。2except for what has just been mentioned: The sleeves are a bit long, but otherwise the dress fits fine.sleevebebitefit这连衣裙袖子长了点﹐除此之外都很合身。The weather spoiled an otherwise perfect day.spoil 本来是完美的一天﹐被天气破坏了。3think/decide/pretend etc otherwise to think, decide, or say the opposite of what someone else thinks or decides: If you’re scared, it’s better to pretend otherwise.scarewell如果你害怕,最好也装作不害怕的样子。Phrasesor otherwise or not: respect for all creatures, human or otherwisecreature尊重所有的生命﹐无论是不是人类




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