

单词 over
释义 overoverover1 /ˈəʊvə $ ˈoʊvər/ preposition1going from one side of something to the other, especially by jumping, climbing, or flying ➔ across: I jumped over the wall and ran along the bank.jumprun 我跳过墙头沿着岸边跑。They had to climb over piles of rubble to reach him.havepile 他们得爬过一堆堆的碎石瓦砾才去到他那儿。the next bridge over the river河上的下一座桥2 above or higher than something OPP under: The sign over the door said ‘No Exit’.say门上方的指示牌写着“此门不通”。3over the road/street/river etc on the opposite side of the road, street etc: There’s a supermarket over the road.马路对面有一家超级市场。4on something or covering it OPP under: Put this blanket over him.把这条毯子盖在他身上。5more than a particular amount, number, or age: It cost over £1,000.那要一千多英镑。the over-30s/over-50s etc (=people who are more than a particular age)6during: I saw Julie over the summer.see我在夏天的时候见过茱莉。over the past/next few months/years etcThe situation has improved over the past ten years.haveimproveyear 过去十年来情况有所改善。7down from the edge of something: The car fell over a cliff.fall汽车翻下了悬崖。8about: an argument over some jewellery因一些珠宝而起的争吵9used to say who or what is controlled, influenced, or defeated: the period in which Spain ruled over Portugalrule西班牙统治葡萄牙期间their 2–1 victory over Leeds他们对利兹队 2 比 1 的胜利10using the telephone or a radio: The salesman explained it to me over the phone.explain推销员在电话里向我作了解释。Phrasesbe/get over something to feel better after being ill or upset ➔ recover: I still haven’t got over this flu.get我这次流感还没好。




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