

单词 past
释义 pastpastpast2 preposition, adverb1later than a particular time: It’s ten past nine (=ten minutes after nine).现在是 9 点 10 分。It was already past midnight.be已经过了午夜。2further than a particular place: Our house is just past (=a little further than) the bridge.be我们的房子就在那座桥过去一点儿的地方。3go/walk/drive etc past (somebody/something) to move towards and then beyond a person or place, without stopping: He walked past me as though I didn’t exist.walk 他走过我身边﹐好像我不存在似的。We drove past slowly.drive我们慢慢开车经过。4beyond a particular limit, stage, or age: This yoghurt’s past its sell-by date. 这酸奶已经超过了销售期限。I’m past the age for romance.我已经过了谈情说爱的年龄了。5if a period of time goes past, it passes: Weeks went past without any news.weekgo几个星期过去了﹐但没有任何消息。PhrasesI wouldn’t put it past somebody (to do something) spoken used to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something bad or unusual because it is typical of them: I wouldn’t put it past Neil to be violent.我认为尼尔很有可能做出暴力行为。past it British English spoken too old to do something or be useful: Just because I’m retired, I’m not past it.retire我只不过是退休了,可并不是不中用。




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