

单词 personality
释义 personalitypersonalitiespersonalitypersonality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti $ ˌpɜːr-/ noun (plural personalities)1[uncountable and countable] someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people: She’s an ambitious woman with a strong personality. 她雄心勃勃﹐个性坚强。Childhood experiences can affect personality.experience童年经历会影响个性。2[countable] a famous person, especially in sport, television, films etc SYN celebrity: a TV personality电视名人3[uncountable] the qualities that make someone interesting to be with: You need personality rather than qualifications to do this job.qualification干这份工作需要的是个人魅力而不是资历。COLLOCATIONS: personalitypersonality + nounsa personality trait (=a part of your personality)All three sisters share certain personality traits.sistertraita personality typeWe attempted to discover which personality types were more likely to commit crime.attempttypebea personality disorder (=a mental illness affecting someone’s personality)He has a severe personality disorder.haveadjectivesa strong/dominant personalityA football manager needs a strong personality.needa warm personality (=friendly and kind)Everyone who knew her will miss her warm personality.knowan outgoing personality (=liking to talk to people)The task needs someone with an outgoing personality.needa great/an attractive personality (=pleasant, so that people like you)He is very talented, and has a great personality.behavea bubbly personality (=happy and full of energy)Her bubbly personality made her very popular.make




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