

单词 bath
释义 bathbathsbathbath1 /bɑːθ $ bæθ/ noun [countable]1British English a long container in which you sit to wash yourself SYN bathtub American English2[usually singular] when you wash your body in the water that you put in a bathhave/take a bathSuzy had a bath and went to bed.havego苏齐洗了个澡﹐上床睡觉了。All I wanted was a nice hot bath (=wash with hot water).wantbe我只想舒服地洗个热水澡。Shall I run a bath (=put water in a bath) for you?要我给你放洗澡水吗?3a bathroom, used especially in advertising: All our bedrooms have a private bath.bedroom我们所有卧室都有独立浴室。




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