

单词 photo
释义 photophotosphotophoto /ˈfəʊtəʊ $ ˈfoʊtoʊ/ noun [countable] (plural photos) informal a photographphoto ofWill you take a photo of me and Anna together?你给我和安娜拍张合照好吗?in the photoThe boy in the photo is my brother.be照片中的那个男孩是我弟弟。THESAURUS: photophotograph a picture you make using a camera: He took hundreds of photographs of animals and birds.takehundredphotographanimalbirdour wedding photographsphotographphoto/picture a photograph. These words are a little more informal than photograph and are very common in everyday English: This is a really good photo of Sarah.beI saw a picture of him in the paper.seesnap British English informal, snapshot especially AmE a photograph that you take quickly, for example when you are on holiday: Do you have any holiday snaps to show us?snapShe showed me a snapshot of her three children.showchild




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