

单词 pipe
释义 pipepipespipepipe1 /paɪp/ noun [countable]1 a tube that liquid or gas flows through: a water pipe 水管A pipe had burst in the kitchen, flooding the floor.haveflood厨房里的一根水管爆了﹐弄得满地都是水。2 a thing used for smoking tobacco, consisting of a small tube with a container shaped like a bowl at one end: My grandad used to smoke a pipe.use我爷爷以前抽烟斗。3a simple musical instrument like a tube that you blow throughPhrasespipe dream an idea, plan etc that will probably never happen: Making it all the way to the Olympics is a pipe dream for most athletes.makebeathlete一路晋级至奥运会对大多数运动员来说都是妄想。




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