

单词 point
释义 pointpointspointedpointingpointpoint2 verb1 [intransitive and transitive] to show something to someone by holding up one of your fingers or a thin object towards itpoint to/at/towards etcJohn pointed to a chair. ‘Please sit down.’point约翰指着一把椅子说:“请坐。”‘That’s my car,’ she said, pointing at a white Ford.saypoint“那是我的车。”她指着一辆白色的福特汽车说。He pointed his finger at me.point 他用手指指着我。2[transitive] to hold something so that it is aimed towards a person or thingpoint something at somethingHe pointed a gun at the old man’s head.point他用枪瞄准老人的头。3[transitive] to face or be aimed in a particular directionpoint to/towards/at etcHold the bat so that your fingers point towards the end.finger手指朝着球拍末端握住它。The hands of the clock pointed to one o’clock.handpoint钟上的指针指向一点钟。4[transitive] to show someone which direction to go: There should be signs pointing the way to her house.shallsignpoint应该有标牌指明往她家的方向。Phrasespoint the/a finger at somebody informal to blame someone SYN accuse: I knew that they would point the finger at me.knowwill我知道他们会责怪我。Phrasal verbspoint somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb1to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about: He was always keen to point out my mistakes.bemistake 他总是急不及待地指出我的错误。point somebody/something ↔ out thatHe pointed out that we did not have enough money to buy the house.pointdo 他指出我们没有足够的钱买房子。point somebody/something ↔ out toThank you for pointing this out to me.point 谢谢你给我指出这一点。 2to show a person or thing clearly to someone by pointing at thempoint somebody/something ↔ out toI’ll point him out to you next time we see him.下次我们见到他时﹐我把他指给你看。point to somebody/something phrasal verb to show that something is probably true: The study points to stress as a cause of heart disease.point 这项研究把心脏病的病因指向压力。




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