

单词 point of view
释义 point of viewpoint of viewspoint of viewˌpoint of ˈview noun [countable] (plural points of view)1one way of thinking about a situation: From a financial point of view, this is a good idea.be从财务的角度来看﹐这是一个好主意。2someone’s personal opinion or attitude in a situation: Try to see it from my point of view. 请从我的角度来看这事。THESAURUS opinionTHESAURUS: point of viewopinion what you think about something or someone: What’s your opinion of this article?view your opinion about a serious or important subject: She has strong views on education.haveviewHe expressed the view that taxes are too high.expresstaxbepoint of view your opinion, especially when this is influenced by the situation you are in: From a child’s point of view, everything is new and exciting.beexciteI didn’t share his point of view.position the official opinion of a government, political party, or person in authority: The Prime Minister has made his position clear.havemakeThe government has changed its position on the war.havechangeattitude your opinions and feelings about something or someone, especially when this shows in your behaviour: His attitude to women shocked me.womanshockMy parents and I have different attitudes to life.parentattitude




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