

单词 poor
释义 poorpoorerpoorestpoorpoor /pɔː $ pʊr/ adjective1a)someone who is poor has very little money and not many possessions OPP rich: Her family were very poor.be 她家里很穷。a poor country穷国 b)the poor people who are poor: a charity that helps the poorhelp帮助穷人的慈善机构2not as good as it should be or could be: Her health is poor.be 她身体不好。poor quality/standardThe work was of a very poor standard.be 这活干得很差劲。the team’s poor performance 这支球队的糟糕表现THESAURUS bad3[only before noun] spoken used to show that you feel sorry for someone: Poor Kate was sick.be 可怜的凯特病了。Oh, you poor thing!哎呀﹐你好可怜啊!4not good at doing something: a poor swimmer不擅游泳的人poor atHe’s always been poor at languages.belanguage他学语言总是学不好。THESAURUS: poorpoor having very little money and not many possessions – used about people and the places where they live: They were too poor to have a television.beIt’s one of the poorest areas of the city.poorareahard up/broke informal having very little money, especially for a short time: I’m broke until I get paid next week.breakpayA lot of people are feeling hard up at the moment.befeeldeprived very poor and without the things that are necessary for a comfortable life – used especially about people’s lives and the areas they live in: She had a very deprived childhood.havedepriveone of the most deprived areas of Glasgowdepriveareadisadvantaged formal used about people who have much less chance of being successful because they are poor: The program is designed to help disadvantaged people find jobs.bedesigndisadvantagejobdeveloping a developing country is poor and has very little industry: the problems faced by developing countriesproblemfacedevelopcountrythe developing worlddeveloppenniless having no money – used especially in written descriptions: She died penniless.die




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