

单词 position
释义 positionpositionspositionposition1 /pəˈzɪʃən/ noun1[countable usually singular] the situation that someone is inin a positionHe’s in a difficult position.他处境困难。changes in the company’s financial positionchange 这家公司财务状况的变化be in a position to do something (=be able to do something)I’m afraid I’m not in a position to advise you.恐怕我不能给你提供建议。 2[countable] the way someone is standing, sitting, or lying, or the direction that an object is pointing inin a positionLie in a comfortable position. 舒舒服服地躺着。Make sure the switch is in the ‘off’ position.be要确保开关在“关”的位置。3[countable] the place where someone or something is, in relation to other things: The position of the hotel makes it popular with young families.makefamily 这家酒店的位置使它很受年轻人家庭的欢迎。THESAURUS place4[uncountable and countable] the place where someone or something should beinto/in positionThe lid was put into position and screwed down.bescrew 盖子放到位后拧上。out of positionSome of the tiles had slipped out of position.tilehaveslip有几块瓦片滑出来了。5[countable] someone’s level or importance in a society or organization: Women’s position in society has changed.womanhavechange 女性在社会中的地位改变了。position of power/authorityVoters are in a position of power.voterbe选民掌握权力。6[countable] the opinion that someone has, especially the opinion of a government or organizationposition onthe US government’s position on global warmingwarm美国政府对全球变暖问题的态度7[countable] formal a job in a particular organization: He became president of the club in 1952 and held the position for over 30 years.becomeholdyear他于 1952 年当上这家俱乐部的总裁﹐任职 30 多年。position ofHart will shortly take up the position of marketing director.market 哈特即将担任营销总监一职。 THESAURUS job8[countable] the place where you play in relation to other players in a sports team: ‘What position do you play?’ ‘Goalkeeper.’“你打什么位置?”“守门员。”9[countable] your place in a race or competition in relation to other people(in) 2nd/3rd/4th etc positionAlesi finished in third position.finish阿莱西得了第三名。COLLOCATIONS: positionadjectivesthe same positionWe are all in the same position.bea difficult/an awkward positionYou’re putting me in a very difficult position.putan impossible positionShe was in the impossible position of having to choose between her children.behavechilda strong/good position (=a situation in which you have an advantage)We are in a strong position to face these challenges.bechallengesb’s financial positionOur financial position is not very secure.beverbsto find yourself in a positionWe found ourselves in a difficult position.findto put somebody in a positionI’m sorry if I put you in an awkward position.to reach a positionHow have we reached this position?reachTHESAURUS: positionplace an area, space, building etc – often used about somewhere that you visit or use for a particular purpose: We went to a place called Fordwell.gocallThis would be a good place to put the desk.willThey use his house as a meeting place.meetposition the exact place where someone or something is, in relation to other things: From this position, they could see the enemy’s camp.canThese plants prefer a light position.plantpoint a particular place on a road, river, path, line etc: The accident happened near the point where the two motorways meet.happenmotorwayThe sun is at its highest point at midday.behighspot informal a pleasant place where you go to relax, or a place where something happened: I know a nice spot for a picnic.It was on this spot that the Great Fire of London started.bestartlocation the place where someone or something is – used especially when you want to be exact, or when saying how suitable the place is: The map shows the exact location of the village.showThe house is in a very good location, about five minutes from the shops.beminuteshopsite an area of ground where something will be built, or where something important happened in the past: a building sitebuildthe site of a great battlejob the work that you do regularly to earn money, especially when you work for a company or a public organization: My first job was in a record store.beShe sometimes wished she had a different job.wishhavework activities that you do to earn money: Thousands of men are looking for work.manbelookHe started work when he was 15.startbeprofession a job that needs special education and training, for example being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer: He wants to go into the medical profession (=become a doctor).wantShe works in the legal profession (=she is a lawyer).workoccupation formal a job or type of job – often used on official documents: Give details of your current occupation.detailcareer the work you do or plan to do for most of your life: Have you thought about your future career?thinkposition formal a particular job in an organization: I am writing to apply for the position of sales manager.bewritesalevacancy a job that is available for someone to do: I’m afraid that the vacancy has already been filled.havebefillwhat you do (for a living) the usual way of talking or asking about someone’s job: ‘What do you do for a living?’ ‘I’m a teacher.’liveI know he works in television, but I’m not sure what he does.workdoopinion what you think about something or someone: What’s your opinion of this article?view your opinion about a serious or important subject: She has strong views on education.haveviewHe expressed the view that taxes are too high.expresstaxbepoint of view your opinion, especially when this is influenced by the situation you are in: From a child’s point of view, everything is new and exciting.beexciteI didn’t share his point of view.position the official opinion of a government, political party, or person in authority: The Prime Minister has made his position clear.havemakeThe government has changed its position on the war.havechangeattitude your opinions and feelings about something or someone, especially when this shows in your behaviour: His attitude to women shocked me.womanshockMy parents and I have different attitudes to life.parentattitude




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