

单词 precious
释义 preciouspreciousprecious1 /ˈpreʃəs/ adjective1something that is precious is valuable or important and should not be wastedprecious seconds/minutes/time etcWe cannot afford to waste precious time. 我们浪费不起宝贵的时间。the planet’s precious resourcesresource地球上的宝贵资源2precious memories or possessions are very important to you because they remind you of people or events in your lifeprecious toI know it’s old, but it’s very precious to me.我知道它旧了﹐但对我来说它很珍贵。3valuable because of being rareprecious metal (=a metal such as gold or silver)precious stone (=a jewel such as a diamond or ruby)THESAURUS valuableTHESAURUS: preciousvaluable worth a lot of money: Don’t leave anything valuable in your hotel room.a valuable gold coinpriceless used when emphasizing that something is very valuable: A priceless painting by Matisse was stolen from the gallery.paintbestealprecious a precious metal or stone is very rare and expensive. A precious person or thing is very special and important to you: diamonds and other precious stonesdiamondstoneHis letters were very precious to me.letterbeirreplaceable very valuable or rare, and impossible to replace: The books were irreplaceable.bookbe




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