

单词 preference
释义 preferencepreferencespreferencepreference /ˈprefərəns/ noun [uncountable and countable] when someone likes something more than something else: Which style you choose is just a matter of personal preference.be 选择哪种风格只是个人的喜好问题。preference forSome parents have a strong preference for one school or another.parent有些家长对某所学校有强烈的偏好。in preference to somethingHe drinks coffee in preference to tea.drink 他喜欢喝咖啡而不是茶。You can list up to five choices, in order of preference.choice 你可以按喜好程度最多列出五种选择。Phrasesgive/show preference (to somebody) to treat someone better or give them an advantage over other people: Preference will be given to candidates who speak foreign languages.givecandidatelanguage将优先考虑会说外语的申请人。




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