

单词 prejudiced
释义 prejudicedprejudicedprejudiced /ˈpredʒədɪst/ adjective having an unfair dislike of someone or something, especially because they belong to a particular groupprejudiced againstHe’s prejudiced against anyone who doesn’t have a degree.prejudice他对没有学位的人都抱有成见。THESAURUS: prejudicedbiased supporting one person or group in an unfair way, when you should treat everyone fairly: biased news reportingreportThe courts were accused of being biased against women.courtbeaccusebewomanprejudiced having an unfair dislike of someone, for example because of their race, sex etc, or because they are old or disabled: Maybe I’m prejudiced, but I think younger people are better at this sort of job.prejudiceyoungbewellDo you think she’s prejudiced against black people?prejudice




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