

单词 priceless
释义 pricelesspricelesspriceless /ˈpraɪsləs/ adjective1worth a lot of money: priceless antiquesantique无价的古玩2very important or useful: a priceless asset难能可贵的优点THESAURUS: pricelessvaluable worth a lot of money: Don’t leave anything valuable in your hotel room.a valuable gold coinpriceless used when emphasizing that something is very valuable: A priceless painting by Matisse was stolen from the gallery.paintbestealprecious a precious metal or stone is very rare and expensive. A precious person or thing is very special and important to you: diamonds and other precious stonesdiamondstoneHis letters were very precious to me.letterbeirreplaceable very valuable or rare, and impossible to replace: The books were irreplaceable.bookbe




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