

单词 pride
释义 pridepridespridepride1 /praɪd/ noun [uncountable]1the feeling you have when you are proud of something that you or someone connected with you has achieved ➔ proud: His father smiled with pride.smile 他父亲自豪地笑了。pride inThey have a strong sense of pride in their country. 他们对自己的国家有一种强烈的自豪感。She takes great pride in her work (=she is very proud of it).take 她对自己的工作感到非常自豪。2the feeling that you like and respect yourself and want other people to respect you: Losing his job really hurt his pride.lose失去工作着实伤了他的自尊。3the feeling that you are better or more important than other people and do not need their help: I had too much pride to ask for money.have 我自尊心太强﹐不肯开口要钱。In the end I had to swallow my pride (=forget about my pride) and apologize.have最后我只得放下架子道歉。Phraseshave/take pride of place to be in the best place for people to see: A family photograph took pride of place on the wall.take墙上最显眼的位置挂着一张全家福。sb’s pride and joy a person or thing that someone is very proud of: His garden is his pride and joy.be他的花园带给他骄傲和乐趣。the pride of something something that people in a place are very proud of: The football team is the pride of the town.be这支足球队是全镇的骄傲。Word Choice: pride or arrogance?Pride is a good feeling about what you have achieved, or someone connected with you has achieved:a mother’s pride in her son母亲对儿子抱有的自豪He looked at his work with pride.look他自豪地看着自己的作品。Arrogance is annoying behaviour that shows that someone thinks they are better, more important, or know more than other people:the arrogance which some politicians havepolitician某些政客的盲目自大




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