

单词 principle
释义 principleprinciplesprincipleprinciple AC /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ noun1[uncountable and countable] a moral rule that you believe is right, and you use to guide the way you behave: the need to teach children moral principleschildprinciple 德育的需要be against sb’s principlesIt’s against my principles to eat meat.principle 吃肉有悖我的道德原则。She refused to accept the money as a matter of principle.refuse 她拒绝接受这笔钱﹐对她来说这是个原则问题。on principleHe wouldn’t pay the fine on principle (=because he thought it was wrong).他出于原则不肯付罚款。2[countable] a basic rule or idea that controls or explains the way something works or is organized: the principles of economicsprinciple经济学原理general/basic principleThe general principle is that education should be available to all children equally.beshallchild 总的原则是所有儿童都应平等地接受教育。on the principle thatThe machine works on the principle that air will expand when heated.workheat这机器的工作原理是空气加热后会膨胀。Phrasesin principle1if something is possible in principle, there is no reason why it should not happen, but it has not actually happened yet: In principle, the new computer system should make our job easier.shalleasy从理论上说﹐这个新的电脑系统应该会让我们的工作变得更轻松。2if you agree in principle, you agree with the main parts of a plan before you know the details: They have accepted the idea in principle.accept他们大体上接受了这个想法。




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