

单词 print
释义 printprintsprintprint2 noun1[uncountable] writing that has been printed in books or newspapers: I can’t read small print without my glasses.glass我不戴眼镜看不清小的印刷文字。in printIt was really exciting to see my name in print.beexcite 看到自己的名字刊印出来令我十分激动。2[countable] a picture or copy of a painting that has been printed onto paper3[countable] a photograph: I got an extra set of prints free.getprint 我得到了免费多印一套照片的优惠。4[countable] a mark that is left on a surface when something is pressed onto it ➔ fingerprint, footprint: His feet left prints in the snow.footleaveprint他的双脚在雪地里留下了足印。 ➔ fine print, small printPhrasesbe in print/be out of print if a book is in print, it is still being printed and you can buy new copies of it. If it is out of print, it is no longer being printed: After 50 years, the book is still in print.yearbe这本书50年后仍在印行。




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